Mulock Christian Fellowship is a gathering of brothers and sisters who simply desire to celebrate our life in the precious Lord Jesus Christ. We are non-denominational in practice, meaning we are not subject to any organization. We welcome all who belong to the Lord Jesus.
We believe that the Bible is the complete expression of God's Word to all people. As such it is the final authority for our lives, and for our church fellowship. In truth, we have only scratched the depth to be discovered within its pages. We understand that God, being the author of the Bible, is the only one to truly reveal its meaning. Since God knows what's best, and wants what's best for us, we desire to seek Him through His Word.
Our fellowship is elder-led. This means that we don't have just one pastor (that is, elder) but several. These are men who have other full-time responsibilities, but who work together to seek the Lord's leading and direction for His church.
The Bible teaching on Sundays is shared by the brothers in MCF, as well as occasional guest speakers.
The Lord's Supper, or Communion, is served every Sunday morning. This time is set aside as a time of worship and sharing in remembering the death, burial and glorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We share an open table for all who name Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. We also encourage both brothers and sisters to share in this time as it gives a fuller expression of the working and living body that is the Lord Jesus Christ through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
May the Lord lead us all into the vastness of His bountiful love and grace.